The Importance of Propaganda in the American Revolution

The Importance of Propaganda in the American Revolution

The Importance of Propaganda in the American Revolution

To understand the significance of propaganda during the American Revolution, delve into ‘The Importance of Propaganda in the American Revolution’ with a focus on ‘How Propaganda Shaped Public Opinion’, ‘The Role of Print Media in Propaganda’ and ‘How Propaganda Influenced Military Strategy.’… Continue Reading

The Sugar Act of 1764: History & Significance

The Sugar Act of 1764: History & Significance
The Sugar Act of 1764 was a trade act tax law passed by the British Parliament. This act imposed taxes on refined sugar and other goods imported to the American colonies, as part of the salutary neglect policy towards colonialism. It was an effort to raise revenue in America and benefit the British plantations. Samuel Adams, a prominent colonial leader, wrote articles and letters protesting it. This act caused outrage among colonists who believed they should have representation before being taxed.