Jamestown Established (1607)


Jamestown is a very important place in American history. It was the first permanent English settlement in North America. Jamestown was established in 1607. 

The people who came to Jamestown were called colonists. The colonists wanted to find gold and other valuable resources in Jamestown. They also wanted to find a route to Asia. They did not find either.

Starvation and Disease

Life in Jamestown was very hard. The colonists had to deal with many challenges. They had to build houses and find food. They also had to deal with diseases and conflicts with Native Americans. Many colonists got sick and died in a period called “The Starving Time.”

One important person in Jamestown was Captain John Smith. He was a leader and helped the colonists survive. He made rules and told the colonists what to do. He also traded with the Native Americans for food.


Another important person in Jamestown was Pocahontas. In 1607 she was the local chief’s daughter and she saved John Smith’s life before her father executed Smith. Pocahontas was kidnapped by the British in 1614 and was taken to England where she died.

Over time, Jamestown grew bigger and stronger. More colonists came and the settlement expanded. They built more houses, a church, and a fort. They also started growing tobacco, which became an important crop.

Jamestown is an important part of American history because it was the beginning of English colonization in North America. It paved the way for the establishment of other colonies and eventually the United States of America.

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