Battle of Hubbardton: A Turning Point in the American Revolution

Battle of Hubbardton

The Battle of Hubbardton, fought on July 7, 1777, was a pivotal clash in the Saratoga campaign of the American Revolutionary War. Occurring in Hubbardton, Vermont—a disputed territory known as the New Hampshire Grants—this engagement marked the only battle in Vermont during the revolution. British forces under General Simon Fraser and Freiherr Riedesel clashed with the American rear guard, commanded by Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis, after the Americans’ retreat from Fort Ticonderoga. Although British forces succeeded tactically, the battle was significant because it contributed to delaying Burgoyne’s pursuit, allowing American forces to withdraw and unite elsewhere, ultimately leading to American victories at Bennington and Saratoga.

Key Takeaways

  • The Battle of Hubbardton was a crucial engagement in the Saratoga campaign of the American Revolutionary War.
  • British forces led by General Simon Fraser and Freiherr Riedesel engaged the American rear guard under Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis.
  • The battle occurred after the Americans’ retreat from Fort Ticonderoga, in the disputed territory of the New Hampshire Grants (modern-day Vermont).
  • Although a British tactical victory, the battle had significant strategic implications as it delayed Burgoyne’s pursuit, allowing American forces to regroup and unite.
  • The engagement at Hubbardton contributed to the American victories at Bennington and Saratoga, pivotal moments in the fight for American independence.

The Prelude to Battle: Evacuation of Fort Ticonderoga

The major events of the Battle of Hubbardton Revolutionary War can be traced to the fateful decision to evacuate Fort Ticonderoga. On July 5, 1777, after realizing the dangers posed by British cannons placed on Mount Defiance, which dominated the fort’s defenses, the American forces, under the command of General Arthur St. Clair, began their withdrawal from Fort Ticonderoga. The evacuation of the fort, a critical moment in both the battle and the larger war, set the stage for the events that would unfold at Hubbardton and beyond.

The American retreat from the fort was a harrowing journey along a military road stretching approximately 30 miles towards Castleton—to a region within the disputed New Hampshire Grants territory. In sweltering conditions, the troops persevered through the challenging environment, striving to keep both their spirits and their strength intact as they sought to regroup and come up with a new plan for taking on the advancing British forces.

The intense march spanned 30 miles to Castleton in sweltering conditions, with Seth Warner’s rear guard pausing at Hubbardton to rest and gather stragglers.

While the main body of American troops continued to head towards Castleton, Seth Warner’s rear guard, tasked with the responsibility of protecting the retreating forces from potential British attack, stopped in Hubbardton to rest and collect soldiers who had fallen behind. This decision to regroup at Hubbardton would ultimately result in the epic clash with the pursuing British forces under the command of General Simon Fraser and Freiherr Riedesel—a battle whose ramifications would be felt throughout the Revolutionary War, defining the course of America’s struggle for independence.

Geographical Significance of Hubbardton’s Landscape

The Battle of Hubbardton took place in the rugged and diverse landscape of Vermont, which proved to be a strategically significant factor during the Revolutionary War. The challenging terrain influenced the battle’s dynamics and contributed to the outcomes of the conflict.

The military road to Hubbardton passed through a central gap in the hills, which offered both strategic advantages and challenges for the American forces. The defending Americans made use of the natural elevations in the area, such as Monument Hill, to form defensive formations that would be difficult for the British and German forces to attack.

The undulating topography of the region played an integral role in the battle’s dynamics.

The American forces’ ability to adroitly navigate the rough terrain helped them mount a more effective rear-guard action, which was essential in delaying the British advance. The British and German forces, on the other hand, had to contend with the unforgiving landscape as they pursued the retreating Americans.

  1. The central gap in the hills provided a natural corridor for the military road.
  2. American forces utilized the natural elevations of Monument Hill for defensive formations.
  3. The challenging terrain influenced the battle’s dynamics, with both sides forced to adapt to the landscape.

In conclusion, the geographical significance of Hubbardton’s landscape cannot be understated in the context of the Revolutionary War. The dynamic and challenging terrain played an essential role in shaping the unfolding of the Battle of Hubbardton, proving its strategic relevance in the larger American Revolution narrative.

American and British Forces: The Commanders’ Profiles

The Battle of Hubbardton key figures played essential roles in shaping the battle’s outcome, with the leadership of both the American and British forces paramount in determining the course of events. The American side was spearheaded by Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis, while Simon Fraser and Freiherr Riedesel led the British and German forces.

Continental Leadership: Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis

Commanding the American rear guard at Hubbardton, Seth Warner brought valuable experience in rear-guard actions from the invasion of Quebec. His expertise proved crucial in developing a resilient defense for the American forces. Ebenezer Francis, commanding the 11th Massachusetts Regiment, showcased strategic acumen in the positioning of troops, contributing to one of the most effective rear-guard actions in American history.

British Command: Simon Fraser and Freiherr Riedesel

On the opposing side, Simon Fraser headed the British forces, spearheading the pursuit of the American retreat from Fort Ticonderoga. Meanwhile, the German Freiherr Riedesel led reinforcements consisting of Brunswick jägers and grenadiers. Their coordinated effort engaged the American rear guard successfully, with Riedesel’s timely arrival at Hubbardton proving pivotal in tipping the scales in favor of the British.

American Command British Command
Seth Warner Simon Fraser
Ebenezer Francis Freiherr Riedesel

The collaboration and strategic capabilities of these Battle of Hubbardton key figures played a significant role in the conflict and influenced its outcome. Understanding the importance of these leaders and their contributions to the battle enhances our comprehension of the broader historical narrative of the American Revolutionary War.

The Clash at Hubbardton: A Detailed Account

Major events of Battle of Hubbardton Revolutionary War

On the morning of July 7th, 1777, at dawn, British forces caught up with the Americans near Hubbardton, beginning the major events of Battle of Hubbardton Revolutionary War. Initial skirmishes scattered elements of Colonel Nathan Hale’s regiment, forcing the American forces to assemble a line of defense. The combat that ensued was brutal and intense, showcasing the fierceness of the Revolutionary War.

“The whole action was a series of quick, fierce offensive and defensive movements, on each side” – Frederick W. Richardson, Historic narrative of Hubbardton.

British forces, commanded by Brigadier General Simon Fraser, were swift in their maneuvers, aiming to flank the American position. To counter this, the Americans attempted to turn Fraser’s left using determined strikes. However, as the tide of the battle seemed to be turning in favor of the Americans, the arrival of German reinforcements under Baron Friedrich Adolf Riedesel significantly changed the outcome of the engagement.

  1. Initial skirmishes scatter Hale’s regiment
  2. American forces form defensive line
  3. British forces attempt to flank American position
  4. Americans try to turn Fraser’s left
  5. Reinforcements under Riedesel arrive
Phase Description
1 Skirmishes scatter Hale’s regiment, forcing American retreat
2 American forces establish a defensive line, preparing for British assault
3 British troops, led by Fraser, attempt to flank the American line
4 Americans respond with attempts to turn Fraser’s left flank
5 Riedesel’s reinforcements arrive, tipping the scales in favor of the British

Ultimately, the skillful timing and coordination of Riedesel’s forces arriving on the battlefield proved to be a decisive factor in the British victory during the Battle of Hubbardton. This fierce clash demonstrated the resilience and determination of both the American and British troops, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Revolutionary War.

Casualties and Losses: The Toll of Revolutionary War Combat

The Battle of Hubbardton, as a significant confrontation during the American Revolutionary War, resulted in a high number of casualties relative to the forces engaged. The fierce combat that characterized this battle reinforced the heavy price of the war for both sides, further highlighting its importance in the fight for American independence.

Americans bore 41-150 killed and 96-457 wounded, with an additional 230 captured, while British casualties numbered 49-60 killed and 141-168 wounded.

The following table illustrates the casualties and losses suffered by both the American and British forces during the Battle of Hubbardton:

Force Killed Wounded Captured
American 41-150 96-457 230
British 49-60 141-168 0

The high casualty rate underscores the battle’s intensity, with a significant number of lives lost and soldiers wounded on both sides. The sacrifices made by these troops had a lasting impact on the outcome of the war, further emphasizing both the strategic and psychological significance of the Battle of Hubbardton.

The casualties and losses at the Battle of Hubbardton demonstrate the level of determination and tenacity exhibited by the American forces in their pursuit of independence, as well as the doggedness of British forces in attempting to maintain control of the rebellious colonies.

The Strategic Impact on the Revolutionary War

Significance of Battle of Hubbardton in American Revolution

Despite the tactical defeat, the Battle of Hubbardton played a crucial role in the broader context of the American Revolution. The skirmish successfully delayed General Burgoyne’s advance as part of his 1777 campaign to control the Hudson River valley. This enabled General St. Clair to withdraw the Northern Department Continental Army and join forces with General Schuyler near Fort Edward, contributing to later American successes at Saratoga.

Delaying Burgoyne: The American Withdrawal’s Success

One of the key aspects of the Hubbardton engagement was that it showcased the American resilience and tactical acumen under Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis. Their effective rear-guard action slowed down Burgoyne’s pursuit, allowing the main American force to retreat and reinforce their defenses at key strategic locations. This delay played a significant role in shaping the outcome of the Northern Campaign.

From Hubbardton to Saratoga: Unseen Consequences

Although not immediately apparent, the Battle of Hubbardton had a far-reaching impact on the entire Revolutionary War. The lessons learned by the American forces and their successful delay of Burgoyne’s advance had a domino effect on the subsequent pivotal clashes in the struggle for American independence. The ripples from Hubbardton extended all the way to the crucial victories at Bennington and Saratoga, which ultimately proved decisive in the fight for independence.

Battle Impact on Burgoyne’s Advance Consequence for American Independence
Hubbardton Successful delay of Burgoyne’s pursuit Enabled American forces to regroup, plan, and prepare for future battles
Bennington Frustrated Burgoyne’s attempts to secure additional supplies Boosted American morale and weakened British forces
Saratoga Complete halt of Burgoyne’s advance Secured American victory in the Northern Campaign and led to French alliance

In conclusion, the significance of the Battle of Hubbardton in the American Revolution lies not only in the immediate achievements on the battlefield but also in the unseen consequences that shaped the course of the war. The delaying of Burgoyne’s advance, coupled with the demonstration of American resilience and tactical skill, ultimately set the stage for the crucial victories at Bennington and Saratoga that ultimately secured American independence.

The Legacy of Battlefield Preservation Efforts

The Battle of Hubbardton Revolutionary War history has been preserved through the committed efforts of battlefield preservation enthusiasts and organizations. The Hubbardton Battlefield is home to one of the oldest Revolutionary War battle monuments, erected in 1859. This dedication serves as an enduring tribute to the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought for American independence.

In 1937, the State of Vermont’s Division for Historic Preservation assumed ownership and management of the site, ensuring its integrity and historical accuracy for future generations. Under their stewardship, the landscape has been meticulously preserved to closely resemble its appearance in 1777, providing an authentic and immersive experience for visitors.

Efforts to preserve the Hubbardton Battlefield and similar sites have enabled the continuation and growth of interest in the Revolutionary War era. These preservation endeavors promote a deeper appreciation for the complexities and challenges faced by both the American and British forces during this remarkable conflict. Some key milestones in the history of battlefield preservation at Hubbardton include:

  1. The establishment of the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site in 1959, commemorating the battle’s 182nd anniversary.
  2. The Hubbardton Battlefield’s inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971, highlighting its national significance.
  3. Continued restoration, research, and preservation efforts carried out by dedicated volunteers, local organizations, and scholars.

Preservation initiatives not only maintain the physical integrity of historic sites but also provide valuable educational opportunities, helping visitors gain a nuanced understanding of the events, figures, and outcomes that shaped the Revolutionary War. The legacy of Hubbardton and other key Revolutionary War battles lives on, thanks to the important work of battlefield preservation initiatives.

Hubbardton’s Role in Vermont’s State History

Battle of Hubbardton's role in Vermont history

The Battle of Hubbardton holds a distinguished place in Vermont’s history, particularly in the context of the New Hampshire Grants dispute and the rise of the Vermont Republic. Vermont, then a de facto independent territory, was claimed by New York, New Hampshire, and its self-governed body, showcasing the complex territorial dynamics of the era.

The Vermont Republic and New Hampshire Grants Dispute

During the 18th century, the land now known as Vermont was the subject of a long-standing dispute between the provinces of New York and New Hampshire. Both provinces claimed the territory and issued land grants, known as the New Hampshire Grants, to settlers. In the midst of the American Revolution, the people of the disputed territory declared independence and formed the Vermont Republic, which existed from 1777 to 1791.

The Vermont Republic was a unique political entity that played a crucial role in the territory’s development. During its brief existence, the Vermont Republic adopted its own constitution, which was the first in North America to prohibit slavery and establish a system of universal male suffrage. The Battle of Hubbardton, fought on the soil of the Vermont Republic, underscores the significance of the territory’s involvement in the larger struggle for American independence.

“The Battle of Hubbardton, fought on the soil of the Vermont Republic, underscores the significance of the territory’s involvement in the larger struggle for American independence.”

Following the American victory in the Revolutionary War, the Vermont Republic sought admission to the newly formed United States. Although the dispute over the New Hampshire Grants continued to be a contentious issue, Vermont was eventually admitted as the 14th state in 1791, putting an end to the era of the Vermont Republic and the New Hampshire Grants controversy.

  1. Formation of the Vermont Republic in 1777
  2. Battle of Hubbardton fought within the territory of the Vermont Republic
  3. Vermont’s admission to the United States in 1791

In conclusion, the Battle of Hubbardton played a significant role in Vermont’s state history by shedding light on the complex territorial dynamics of the time. The engagement highlighted the issues surrounding the New Hampshire Grants and the Vermont Republic, which eventually led to the resolution of these disputes and the establishment of Vermont as an official state within the United States.

Revolutionary War Archeology: Uncovering Hubbardton’s Artifacts

The field of Revolutionary War Archeology has grown significantly in recent years, with researchers and historians working diligently to uncover Hubbardton artifacts and other remnants of this pivotal period in American history. These archeological findings provide a more in-depth understanding of the battles, participants, and material culture associated with the Revolutionary War period. One notable area of focus within this fascinating field is the Battle of Hubbardton.

Archeological surveys conducted at the Hubbardton Battlefield have confirmed the presence of war-related artifacts, shedding light on the logistical and material aspects of the Revolutionary War era. The discovery of these artifacts not only expands our understanding of the Battle of Hubbardton but also imparts a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made by its combatants.

Some of the most commonly found artifacts at the Hubbardton Battlefield include:

  • Lead shot (musket balls and smaller pistol balls)
  • Buttons (from uniforms or other clothing)
  • Buckles (used in various military accoutrements)
  • Bayonet fragments
  • Personal items (such as utensils or grooming tools)

“The discovery of these artifacts offers a tangible connection to the past, allowing both researchers and the public to better comprehend the events that transpired at Hubbardton in 1777.”

While the specific artifacts discovered at the Hubbardton Battlefield may appear common or mundane, they offer crucial insights into the daily lives of soldiers during the Revolutionary War. For instance, buttons and buckles provide valuable information about the clothing, accoutrements, and uniforms of soldiers, while lead shot offers a glimpse into the weaponry and tactics employed during the battle.

Beyond their importance for researchers and historians, these Hubbardton artifacts remain an enduring testament to the heroism and sacrifices made by the individuals who fought at the Battle of Hubbardton. As a result, the ongoing archeological efforts at Hubbardton Battlefield ensure that the memory and significance of this captivating historical event will endure for generations to come.

Experiencing History: Visiting the Hubbardton Battlefield Today

Today, the Hubbardton Battlefield offers a unique historical experience for visitors interested in stepping back in time to the American Revolutionary War period. The site preserves the natural, cultural, and visual landscape that has remained largely unchanged since 1777, providing an immersive experience at the Battle of Hubbardton battle location.

Visiting Hubbardton Battlefield

At the Hubbardton Battlefield, visitors can explore the area where the clash between American and British forces took place. The site includes various points of interest, such as the fields where the battle unfolded, the hill used for defensive positions, and the locations where key moments of the battle occurred.

A visit to the battlefield is complemented by a stop at the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site museum. The museum houses exhibits that provide detailed information on the battle, the military tactics used, and the key figures involved, such as Seth Warner, Ebenezer Francis, Simon Fraser, and Freiherr Riedesel.

Visiting Hubbardton Battlefield is a must for history enthusiasts and those looking to learn about the unique role this Revolutionary War battle played in securing American independence.

In addition to the informative exhibits, visitors can appreciate the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, including the Green Mountains and Taconic Range. These picturesque landscapes provide a serene and majestic backdrop to a location steeped in history.

  1. Explore the battlefield and its key locations
  2. Visit the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site museum
  3. Learn about the key figures involved in the Battle of Hubbardton
  4. Discover military tactics and innovations showcased during the battle
  5. Admire the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains

Visiting the Hubbardton Battlefield is an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of one of the most important and tactically significant battles in the struggle for American independence. With its well-preserved battlefield and informative museum, visitors can walk in the footsteps of history and appreciate the strategic role this location played in the American Revolutionary War.

Military Tactics and Innovations Observed at Hubbardton

The Battle of Hubbardton displayed several military tactics and innovations that were symbolic of the Revolutionary War era. These tactics, employed by both American and British forces, demonstrate the evolving strategies and approaches used during this time.

One notable tactic employed by the American troops was their effective execution of a rear-guard action. This action allowed the main American force to retreat while the rear guard engaged the enemy. The rear-guard action at Hubbardton contributed to delaying the British pursuit and ultimately played a crucial role in American successes at Bennington and Saratoga:

  1. American troops were ordered to hold their positions and defend the high ground on Monument Hill.
  2. Skilled marksmen were placed on key spots along the ridge to focus on incoming British troops.
  3. Reinforcements were quickly deployed whenever the defensive lines were threatened.

On the other hand, British and German forces showcased coordinated flanking movements. These expert maneuvers aimed to encircle the American troops and ultimately force them to surrender:

  • British light infantry under the command of Simon Fraser attempted to turn the American left, while German grenadiers were sent to hold the center and simultaneously secure the right flank.
  • Both British and German forces communicated effectively, allowing them to adjust their movements and counter American tactics.
  • When General Riedesel arrived with German reinforcements, the tide of the battle swung in favor of the British, ultimately leading to the American withdrawal.

Besides these direct battlefield tactics, psychological warfare also played a role in the Battle of Hubbardton. The British and German forces used hymn-singing troops and a military band to create an intimidating presence, often referred to as the “Clinton Harp.” This tactic was designed to demoralize American troops and make the enemy seem larger and more organized than they actually were.

“The British marched with music playing and hymns being sung, which reverberated through the mountains and added to the grandeur of our solemn march” – Journal of a British Officer, Hubbardton 1777

In conclusion, the Battle of Hubbardton showcased innovative military tactics that were characteristic of the Revolutionary War era. Both American and British forces demonstrated exceptional skill and strategic prowess, highlighting the evolving state of warfare during this significant period in history.


The Battle of Hubbardton holds a significant yet often underappreciated place in the American Revolutionary War history. As a pivotal conflict, it showcased the strategic decisions, soldier sacrifices, and military maneuvering that shaped the course of the war and the eventual fight for American independence. By delaying General Burgoyne’s advance, this engagement contributed to the unification of American forces, ultimately culminating in the pivotal victories at Bennington and Saratoga.

Today, the legacy of the Battle of Hubbardton continues through battlefield preservation efforts and ongoing historical interpretation. The Hubbardton Battlefield stands as an enduring reminder of the intense and crucial battles fought on early American soil. Visitors to the site can witness firsthand the landscape that played a critical role in this historic clash, gaining a deeper understanding of the chain of events that changed the course of history.

In conclusion, the Battle of Hubbardton remains an essential part of the Revolutionary War narrative, serving as a testament to the fortitude, dedication, and strategic acumen displayed by both American and British forces. By revisiting and reflecting on the events that transpired on these hallowed grounds, we can continue to appreciate the vast array of factors that ultimately led to the establishment of the United States of America.


When and where was the Battle of Hubbardton fought?

The Battle of Hubbardton was fought on July 7, 1777, in Hubbardton, Vermont, which at the time was a disputed territory known as the New Hampshire Grants.

Who were the key figures in the Battle of Hubbardton?

The key figures in the Battle of Hubbardton were American commanders Seth Warner and Ebenezer Francis, as well as British commanders General Simon Fraser and German Freiherr Riedesel.

What was the significance of the Battle of Hubbardton in the American Revolution?

Although the British forces were successful tactically, the Battle of Hubbardton was significant because it delayed Burgoyne’s pursuit of the American forces, allowing them to withdraw and unite elsewhere. This ultimately contributed to American victories at Bennington and Saratoga.

Why was the landscape of Hubbardton strategically significant during the Revolutionary War?

The landscape of Hubbardton was strategically significant because of its challenging terrain, which shaped the unfolding of the battle. The military road to Hubbardton passed through a central gap in the hills, and the defending Americans utilized the natural elevations such as Monument Hill for their defensive formations.

What impact did the Battle of Hubbardton have on the fight for American independence?

The Battle of Hubbardton indirectly laid the groundwork for American victories at Bennington and the pivotal clashes at Saratoga, which were decisive events in the fight for American independence.

How can visitors experience the history of the Battle of Hubbardton today?

Today, visitors can experience the history of the Battle of Hubbardton by exploring the preserved Hubbardton Battlefield, learning about the battle in the on-site museum, and appreciating the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, which have remained largely unchanged since 1777.

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