Cortes Defeats Aztecs (1521)

In 1521, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes led an expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire in what is now Mexico. Cortes and his army faced many challenges, but they ultimately succeeded in defeating the Aztecs and claiming their land.

The Aztecs

The Aztecs were a powerful civilization that ruled over a vast empire. They had a strong army and were skilled warriors. However, Cortes and his men had superior weapons and technology, such as guns and cannons, which gave them an advantage in battle.

Cortes also had the help of other indigenous groups who were enemies of the Aztecs. These groups joined forces with Cortes and his army, providing them with additional soldiers and resources. This alliance weakened the Aztecs and made it harder for them to defend their empire.

Aztec Empire 1519 map-fr

Tenochtitlan Falls

One of the most significant battles in the conquest was the siege of Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztec Empire. Cortes and his army surrounded the city and cut off its food and water supply. The Aztecs fought bravely, but they were eventually overwhelmed by Cortes’ forces.

After the fall of Tenochtitlan, the remaining Aztec leaders surrendered to Cortes. The Spanish claimed victory and established a new government in the region. They renamed the city Mexico City and made it the capital of New Spain.

Effect of the Conquest of the Aztec

The conquest of the Aztecs had a profound impact on the history of Mexico. It marked the beginning of Spanish colonization in the region and led to the decline of the Aztec civilization. The Spanish brought their language, religion, and culture to the area, which had a lasting influence on the indigenous peoples. Aztec contact with europeans also contributed to the genocide of native americans in the western hemisphere.

Hernan Cortes and his army conquered the Aztecs in 1521. They used superior weapons, alliances with other indigenous groups, and strategic tactics to defeat the Aztec Empire. The conquest had a significant impact on the history of Mexico and marked the beginning of Spanish colonization in the region.


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